At LMS, we believe technology can be a great tool to enrich our children’s lives, and that balance is necessary to keep our children safe and ensure they learn to be good Digital Citizens. We use Common Sense’s Digital Citizenship curriculum in 1st through 8th grade and will be starting those lessons in school soon. This developmentally-appropriate curriculum helps teach children how to be responsible online. While we do not start these lessons until Elementary, Children’s House parents will find several great resources as well on Common Sense’s website.
As an extension of the work students are doing in-school, we also occasionally send home activities we recommend doing as a family and we highly encourage you to check out Common Sense Education’s Family Engagement Toolkit. While this resource is made for schools, we wanted to share the full library of resources so you can choose what is most important for your family. Students generally spend much more time online and on devices at home than they do in school. These resources can help you create structure around your child’s digital life so you can find the healthiest balance for your child and your family.