You're invited! Save the date -- February 24, 2024 -- for our next Parent Learning Opportunity!
We will be joined by Jennifer De Leon and Adam Stumacher from Story Bridge; a program that promotes and advances diversity, equity and inclusion goals in schools. While creating a culture of empathy and listening, Story Bridge ensures that all participants feel comfortable to bring their full selves to the discussion, in an effort to forge bonds within communities.
On 2/24, Jenn and Adam will facilitate an evening of stories; where LMS community members will walk through the process of selecting a true story from their lives, learn the elements of effective storytelling, and develop their stories in small groups.
This event will begin with a potluck, followed by an experience -- one that will open your heart, and broaden your mind.
We will be offering childcare for LMS students. Please fill out the form located on our parent portal so that we can plan childcare for the evening. (Details regarding food during childcare: TBD.)
In the case of inclement weather, we will move this event to March 2nd.