In Memoriam
LMS Community

Hemalatha Srinivasan, LMS teacher from 1995 to 2005, passed away in Bangalore, India on February 24, 2025, at the age of eighty-nine.

Hema is fondly remembered for the way she graced the Children’s House in her gorgeous sari and her soft voice. Firm and exacting, she ran a tight ship. She greatly appreciated LMS’s diverse, multi-cultural environment, and she took our global perspective with her when she returned to India. Since leaving LMS, Hema had been active in the professional development of Montessori teachers. She consulted with schools across India and in Thailand, and she produced hundreds of training videos. 

“Hema Ma’am” began teaching at Golden Bead Montessori House of Children in Bengaluru, India in 1977, continuing until she came to Lexington in 1995. Her vision continues to shape that school’s philosophy today. 

Hema is survived by her daughter, Rajini Srikanth, her granddaughters Netra Srikanth and Vanita Srikanth (both LMS alums), and seven great-grandchildren. Rajini and Vanita continue to reside in Lexington. 

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