Role at LMS:
UE teacher
What year did you start working at LMS?
2005. Here for 5, gone for 3 years, then back for 11!
Where did you grow up?
Wenham, MA
What kinds of things do you like to do when you're not at LMS?
Traveling with my husband, boxing, gardening, walking, cooking, hanging with my family and friends.
How did you find LMS and/or Montessori?
My Montessori training was in Bergamo, Italy. Once I received my AMI diploma, I emailed Biff at LMS asking for a job! He had completed this same course back in the day.
Do you have any pets? Tell us about them!
Buddy is our 13 year old, four legged arthritic child. He loves life and is spoiled rotten.
What is a dream you want to make come true one day?
Travel to South East Asia & stay in an over the water bungalow.
What's something surprising people might not know about you?
I grew up ocean fishing & digging for clams. I can filet a fish on the spot!