Role at LMS:
UE Teacher
What year did you start working at LMS?
Where did you grow up?
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
What kinds of things do you like to do when you're not at LMS?
Cooking, baking, listening to music, reading, writing letters to friends, going on walks, and spending time with my husband and teenage daughters. I love to talk on the phone with friends who live in different places all over the country. My summer highlight is boogie boarding on the beach in North Truro.
How did you find LMS and/or Montessori?
I was an Upper Elementary Montessori teacher in Ithaca, NY, before we moved to Boston. I found LMS when my husband and I were looking for a Montessori school for our two daughters.
What is a dream you want to make come true one day?
That I have a watercolor show in a gallery or public space.
What's something surprising people might not know about you?
I love Motown music.
If you could pick a superpower, what would it be and why?
To be fluent in the language of any country I visited.