Role at LMS:
Director of Enrollment and Financial Aid
What year did you start working at LMS?
Where did you grow up?
West Hartford, CT
What kinds of things do you like to do when you're not at LMS?
I love being home and spending time with my husband and two kids. I also love to travel and my most favorite thing in the world is listening to live music.
How did you find LMS and/or Montessori?
I worked at a toy store for 7 years and a woman that worked the register with me saw me interacting with kids and said "have you ever heard of Montessori? I think you'd be a natural Montessori teacher". She gave me a copy of Maria Montessori - Her Life and Work, and that was it for me!
If you could have dinner with three people (alive or dead), who would it be?
Maria Montessori (of course), my paternal grandmother, and my younger self (I have so much to tell her!).
When you were little, what did you want to be when you grew up?
My first dream was to be an archaeologist. I remember so vividly someone telling me that I wouldn't make any money doing that, rather than responding to my excitement. I still think about that and wonder whether I might have followed that dream. I eventually moved on to wanting to be a child psychologist, so no surprise I ended up in Montessori!
What is a dream you want to make come true one day?
I have a pipe dream about opening my own little Montessori school, connected to an elderly home. Young children and the elderly have so much to gain from one another.